Geared PM Steppers
PM Geared Stepper Motor
PrimoPal's PPMG Series PM Stepper Gear motor includes ordinary type (motor with gears inside) and precision type (motor with gearhead added). These motors offer a wide range of gear ratios in a compact size, along with high output and high resolution, especially the precision-type ones. They are low-cost solutions and can perfectly meet your needs of motion or automation control. Besides, custom motor winding and gearhead specs are also available.
PM Geared Stepper Motor
BYJ Series (Gears inside)
20BYJ ø20mm
24BYJ ø24mm
28BYJ ø28mm
30BYJ ø30mm
35BYJ ø35mm
PPMG Series (Added Gearbox)
PPMG15P ø15mm
PPMG25P ø25mm
PPMG35P 35mm
PPMG42P 42mm